
Carl Jones is an inspirational speaker, with a personal story to share, explaining the roots of The Caveman Principles.

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The Caveman

“I know we haven’t met but I just wanted to say good luck for the future. I know you haven’t had an easy time of it, but by going through the experiences you have, you have found the strength to help others.

My son went through a very bad time a couple of years ago when he was living on his own in London, it culminated in him attempting to hang himself; I turned everywhere I could think of to try to find ways to help him and one of those avenues was a book search on Amazon where I came across The Caveman Principles.

I found this book really engaging which is a great start as it made it interesting to read. Some of the things you wrote about really resonated with how I was feeling and how I imagined Ben might be feeling. It gave me the confidence to approach him more directly and start to try to face this horrible situation we were in together. It proved to be (amongst other things) the cement that held us together as a family and still does so today.

So, I just wanted to say thank you and to wish you a life filled with tranquillity and happiness. Take care of yourself”

– Peta

About The Caveman

Carl lives in Swindon.

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